Logan's Ferry Sportsmen's Club
We don't rent our ranges or facilities to individuals! Authorized and pre-approved organizations only! If you would like to use our facilities on an individual basis, you must become a member. Click Here to learn how.
Effective on March 1, 2024 The Indoor Range Operating Hours Will Change From 24/7 To 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. 7 Days A Week, Unless Stated Otherwise On The Club Calendar
Please Don't Use The Indoor Range Before or After Operating Hours!
This change was made for legitimate concerns involving safety and other issues.
In Case of Emergency...
Call 911
Using Cell Phone:
Dial 911 and advise Dispatcher you are located in Plum Boro, Allegheny County
Using 911 Direct Line Located in Clubhouse Foyer:
(Phone automatically dials Allegheny County 911 when handset is picked up)
Our physical location is:
Logan’s Ferry Sportsmen’s Club
210 Field Club Rd.
New Kensington, PA 15068
(Allegheny County)
For a medical emergency, stay with patient, and if possible, solicit someone else with a Gate Key, to go to gate area to open gate for 1st Responders, and direct them to the patient. That person should remain at gate area for other 1st Responders that will respond to the incident.
If you are willing, administer first aid to the patient until 1st Responders arrive.
As soon as possible, inform the club President of the incident, by calling or texting: (412) 738-7923
Renewal Form Replacement Procedure
Since the renewal forms that were sent are personalized for each member, i.e. status for Senior and/or Guest Pass eligibility, we can no longer provide generic forms to be downloaded or picked up. If you've lost, misplaced, or didn't receive your renewal form, send an email to: lfscmail@gmail.com
Include member name & number in the email. If you've changed your address, let us know that also. We will email a replacement.
If not received on time, the LFSC bylaws require you to join as a new member.
Time Left To Renew:
How To Rejoin If You Were Late Renewing For 2025?
The LFSC bylaws prohibit us from processing renewals if postmarked or submitted after December 31st. You will need to rejoin as a new member.
If you are in this situation, we've made special provisions to accept you back into membership. No sponsor required, and no gate key fee if you still have your key. You're required to attend an orientation held from January to March, pay the Orientation & Initiation fee's, and yearly due's for the membership category you choose. Late renewals will not be accepted after March.
Please Note: If you choose to rejoin, and held a Senior membership, or would have been eligible in 2024, you would be required to rejoin as a Single or Family. Effective with 2023 NEW MEMBERSHIPS, and thereafter, the Senior memberships will not be available. For 2022 members, and before, the Senior policies remains unchanged.
This special process only applies to those that didn't renew in 2024 for the 2025 membership year. If you held a membership prior to 2024, and want to rejoin, you're required to join as a new member with all of the requirements outlined HERE
If you choose to rejoin the club, email lfscmail@gmail.com to submit an email request. Include your full name, membership number, and your request to attend the next available orientation. We will respond to confirm your request and provide additional info.
Please Use Your Gate Key (Access Card)!
As a reminder, use your Gate Key to scan in and out of the gate. We've communicated the importance of using your Gate Key to scan in and out of the gate...even if the gate is open. The gate is often programmed to open and close for certain club activities. If you're coming through the gate at the exact time the gate is programmed to close it could close on your vehicle and severely damage the gate mechanism. Scanning your card (Must beep to acknowledge the scanner read your card) will give an additional 30 seconds open time, even if the gate is set to close The gate system does have safety devices to prevent closure on a person or vehicle, but nothing is 100% effective, and for the little time it takes to scan your card it's worth preventing thousands of dollars in damage. Also, don't allow vehicles behind you to "piggyback" through the gate. If a vehicle is behind you, they're obligated to scan their card also. If a guest is accompanying you in another vehicle, scan them in first then scan yourself through the gate. Again, this applies whether the gate is opened or closed!

LFSC Dropbox
The Dropbox is located in the foyer of the clubhouse. It can be used for communications to the LFSC Staff, leaving small articles that have been found, such as keys, membership cards, etc., most important, you can use it to drop off your Membership Renewal and save a stamp (mark drop date on envelope before depositing in box). If you've left anything that requires immediate attention, please let us know by sending an email to: lfscmail@gmail.com We'll try to check the box every day, but there are times when it could be less frequent.
Archery Range Parking
If you plan to use the Archery range, DO NOT drive into range area! It's likely your vehicle will get stuck. The only appropriate parking area is the asphalt parking lot, which isn't too far from the range.
Have a Guest Pass and want to bring an additional Guest?
Click Here to see how to make that happen.
How to Upgrade Membership With Guest Privileges?
Click Here and scroll down to Guest info.
Postal & Email Address Changes
If your postal and/or email address has changed, please let us know so we can send membership renewals, and other communications to the proper address. If we're not notified, and you don't receive your renewal, the late renewal policies will be strictly enforced. Notify us at: Member Address Change or lfscmail@gmail.com Be sure to include your name, old address, and member number as it appears on your current Membership Card. We do not share member info with anyone, except club officers that have a legitimate need to know for club business.
Lost & Found
We often get calls from folks saying they left something at the range, and when they went back to get it the item was gone. Please...don't take items that don't belong to you! If the item is such that you feel you should take possession of it for safe keeping, do that, but immediately call or text: 412-607-5313, or click to email: LFSC Lost & Found We'll make sure the item is returned to it's rightful owner.
LFSC Birds Eye Views
Click Pictures to Enlarge
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